How do Chicago attorneys usually refer cases? Most likely they search “case referral service in Chicago” on Google. Well. Not always. There’s another option that’s become incredibly popular in the past few years, called AppearMe. Yep, this special appearance app is the quickest way to refer a case and earn a referral fee. That’s why there are hundreds if not thousands of attorneys in Chicago who would love to join AppearMe and access its powerful features. Sounds pretty amazing, right? So, let’s get into the nitty-gritty of how you are going to refer cases and so much more, using AppearMe.
How Should You Refer Cases From Now On?
Like I said, AppearMe has become Chicago attorneys’ favorite legal platform. Legal professionals post and accept appearance attorney jobs, deposition attorney jobs, find a stenographer in literally minutes and finally refer cases using this awesome all-in-one legal tool. I’m here to tell you that you can too use the best features of AppearMe and simplify your work life. To start, you need to download the application from App Store or Google Play or simply sign up to AppearMe using the web.
Once you fill out the necessary information and get verified, you will be able to submit a request. After you post entire cases, thousands of lawyers registered in Illinois will automatically get your announcement and will respond in literally seconds. Now, you will be able to review attorney profiles. The last step is deciding who to refer your client’s case to. After that, you can contact the attorney directly via the application, negotiate over referral fees and track the progress of your case. By the way, AppearMe does not charge a processing fee for case referrals. We are just connecting legal professionals.
Here’s Why You Should Never Worry About the Qualifications of Our Attorneys
I still remember the day when I created an account, posted my first entire case and chose the attorney to take care of my client’s case. Do you know what happened next? For a moment I started thinking “How the heck did I trust my client’s case to someone I’ve never talked in person?” Now, here’s the good news. AppearMe checks the information submitted by legal professionals and verifies it through the state bar association website. Attorneys with a history of disciplinary action or inactive bar license can’t join AppearMe. Simply put, you can access to attorneys who are licensed, in good standing with Illinois State bar, and have the skill and experience to properly manage your client’s cases. Without a doubt, this is one of the main reasons me and my lawyer friends trust and love AppearMe this much.
Get in Touch!
Have questions regarding our case referral services? Don’t wait any longer! Call (888) 900-3080 or send an email to [email protected] now. Our support agents are available 24 hours a day and are ready to answer your questions. Alternatively, you can put your phone away and just read our Help page!