The answer to the question “how much money does a court interpreter make” varies depending on the geographic location, interpreter qualifications, type of court and labor market conditions. To start with, you will make more money if you are a certified interpreter rather than a non-certified interpreter.
Normally federal and state staff court interpreters make something between $30,000 and $80,000. Again, the difference is accounted for the number of years in practice. For example, an interpreter or translator with less than five years of experience can expect to earn an average of $40,000 a year. Those with more experience have a higher annual income up to $50,000.
There is one point to note when it comes to court interpreting. Court interpreters make more money when they work on a contract basis. Certified and professionally qualified interpreters make on average of $418 per day if they take contract work. They get $226 for a half-day work.
The figures indicate that a court interpreter would be much better off if they work on a contract or freelance basis. But there is one thing that keeps interpreters from working as a freelancer and that is they don’t get as many offers as they wish.
In this article, I am going to tell you about a legal application that will help interpreters solve the issue of the job flow. I am talking about AppearMe, a real-time on-demand application where interpreters get registered and get matched with attorneys.
AppearMe is a Source of Multiple Job Offers for a Court Interpreter
First things first… It is an application where thousands of attorneys are registered. When they need an interpreter, they post an announcement and it goes to the registered interpreters. You will get a push notification on your mobile and an email registered in your AppearMe account.
You may think that it will cost you money to become a user (something like a membership fee is in the back of your mind). Absolutely not! Become a user of this legal application for free and start receiving job offers.
Languages we target: American Sign language, Arabic, Armenian – Eastern, Armenian – Western, Bengali, Cantonese, Farsi (Persian of Iran), Foochow, French, German, Haitian Creole, Japanese, Khmer (Cambodian), Korean, Mandarin, Navajo, Portuguese, Punjabi, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, etc.
Since you will work as a freelancer, the pay is rather attractive. For example, the daily rate for a certified interpreter is $760 per day with an additional $125 per hour for overtime work.
Want to Know More? Contact AppearMe
To find out more about interpreter service with AppearMe, please contact us at (888) 900-3080 or send an email to support@appearme.com. Our team is always happy to answer all of your questions. You may also want to check AppearMe site. Please read the info and if you need help with signing up, we are here to help.