Interpreting is a hot industry, especially court interpreting. When you look at a per day rate of certified and professional interpreters who work on a contract basis, you might think pretty cool, ha? But don’t rush up to leave your law school diploma aside and start learning Chinese! Court interpreting comes with a lot of hard work and diligence. Therefore, finding court interpreters is hard sometimes. If you need one, read this article! You will soon discover a mobile and web application to find court interpreters easy and fast!
Fastest Application for Finding Court Interpreters
Suppose you need a court interpreter. What would you do? Of course, you will search for a roster of court interpreters and start calling them. What? Are you already Googling for a roaster! Take a deep breath. It’s not that easy. Court interpreters are busy professionals. You may call the first, the second and even the tenth interpreter and all of them may be busy or won’t travel so many miles to the court and back.
Making phone calls to interpreters is an inefficient practice and something that a lawyer in the 21st century does not do anymore. Instead, let me tell you a method which is much more productive and fast. I mean faster than calling an agency, faster than talking to an interpreter on the phone!
Here is what to do!
Sign up to Mobile and Web Application
A mobile(App Store and Google Play) and web app called AppearMe is in the US market and helps thousands of attorneys to find appearance attorneys, deposition attorneys, court reporters, and court interpreters. The process is so simple that even your little daughter or son can use the application. Just sign up, become a user and submit a request. Once you do that, thousands of professionals will receive notifications and will get back to you in less than a minute.
Super simple, isn’t? No need to make dozens of useless phone calls! Just submit a request and the professionals will get back to you themselves in less than 60 seconds!
Contact AppearMe for Help
Wondering how to create an account? Great! Use our Sign up link and fill in simple information. Once you submit the info, we will review it and get back to you in a couple of hours. After these simple steps are complete, we can welcome you as a member of AppearMe family where thousands of attorneys, court reporters, and court interpreters are users.
Court interpreter yourself? We need you in our big attorney family! Hurry up to sign up and get dozens of interpreting jobs!
Still, have questions? No worries. Our 24/7 Customer Support Heroes are here for help. Call us at (888) 900-3080 or send an email to [email protected]. We will be absolutely delighted to hear from you!