Find a Local Appearance Attorney to Make an Appearance on Your Behalf

The AppearMe mobile & web application enables attorneys and law firms to find appearance attorneys anywhere in the United States within 60 seconds. Thousands of legal professionals in our nationwide network use our mobile application to schedule an appearance attorney in just a few seconds. 

In order to find a local appearance attorney to make an appearance on your behalf, all you need to do is:

Once you submit your request, all local appearance attorneys registered in our network will get emails and push notifications about your request on their mobile devices. They will respond to it within 60 seconds since the first attorney who commits to your job offer gets it. You can communicate with the chosen appearance attorney through our application whenever you have questions, updates, or want to share a file. 

AppearMe is an easy-to-use legal tool that provides full-featured services and empowers you to find cost-effective and time-saving solutions to grow your legal practice. It takes only 3-4 minutes to sign up and submit a request, and a minute on average to find an appearance attorney anywhere in the country. Aside from finding local appearance attorneys, AppearMe also offers a wide range of other services and features. Our real-time and on-demand application allows you to submit and accept depositions, various freelance assignments, as well as court reporting and interpreting requests. 

Sign up for AppearMe and find a local appearance attorney to cover a court appearance or hearing in any courthouse in the U.S. Using AppearMe, you can find appearance attorneys a week, a day, or even 10 minutes before the scheduled appearance.

Feel free to invite your fellow attorneys to join the AppearMe network. We will reward you with $40 for each sign-up. 

If you need any further information or have any questions, please do not hesitate to call us at (888) 900-3080 or send an email to [email protected]. Our 24/7 customer support service is standing by to answer all your questions and provide support if needed. 

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