Hiring a Good Lawyer Is Crucial to Any Successful Business

Starting your own company can be both exciting and scary. There are so many different things to think about: building a product or service, budget and expenses planning, hiring a great team, finding customers or clients, endless paperwork, and more. Many entrepreneurs often get lost in those critical tasks and normally forget one important thing: to hire a talented lawyer. 

Without further ado, let’s check out WHY and WHEN every business owner should hire a lawyer.


Contract Drafting

Contracts are a major part of doing business. Unfortunately, many business owners think they don’t need legal expertise in drafting legal documents and simply download ready-made contracts. However, these templates do not take into account the specifics of your situation and can cause problems for you and your business. 

Thus it’s crucially important to hire a business lawyer if you want to get a custom document drafted specifically for your situation.


Handling Employee Issues

If you are a business owner, you know that there are many issues that can come up in the workplace, like hour and wage issues, annual leave disputes, timekeeping and attendance issues, discrimination, harassment, etc. 

Getting into a dispute or confrontation with your employees can negatively impact your company and damage your reputation. While some issues can be resolved with open communication, oftentimes employees file a complaint of discrimination, harassment, or some other violation. 

A good lawyer will advise you on the next logical course of action, including whether to negotiate a settlement or litigate in court and will protect you against suits and claims.


Lawsuit Protection

As a busy entrepreneur, you’re probably more concerned with cash flow, sales, and managing employees than getting sued, am I right? However, the reality is that business owners usually face at least some legal issues. Needless to say, the financial impact of the lawsuit can be devastating.  People and other companies will avoid doing business with you. Eventually, due to a loss in profits and customers, you can end up closing your business.

An experienced lawyer can help you stay in compliance with the law and prevent lawsuits. So always have a lawyer by your side and don’t wait to hire a lawyer after you’ve already been sued.


Negotiating the Sale or Purchase of a Business

Have you decided to sell your own business and move on? Or maybe you are thinking of buying an existing business?

No matter which side of the deal you’re on, it’s vital to hire an attorney. Both purchasing and selling a business require substantial amounts of paperwork. An experienced lawyer can help you negotiate the sale or purchase of a business by streamlining the process and eliminating legal risks that are associated with buying and selling. 


Hire a Good Lawyer Before You Need One

As you can see, there are a variety of reasons to hire a business lawyer. Of course, you may be able to handle some business matters on your own, but there are legal issues that require a lawyer’s professional assistance.

And please don’t forget that a lawyer isn’t just there to represent you in court. Rather, your lawyer will help your business through a variety of ways, including drafting contracts, advising on employment issues, purchasing/selling property, establishing a new venture, complying with labor laws, preparing taxes, and more. 

In other words, your business needs an attorney at all times and not just in the event of a lawsuit. So do the smart thing and hire an experienced attorney today. Luckily, it’s FASTER and EASIER than ever to find a lawyer.

If you’re looking to hire a business lawyer now, one easy way is to speed up your hiring process with AppearMe. The legal web application is dedicated to helping individuals and businesses (like you) find legal assistance in their area. Interested? 

  • Sign up
  • Submit a Request
  • Receive proposals from pre-vetted lawyers
  • Choose a lawyer for your business. 

If you’re interested in learning more about how AppearMe for Consumers works, give us a call at (888) 900-3080 or send an email to support@appearme.com.

Good Luck!