Law Firms Maximize Resources with AppearMe

Automation is no longer a fiction, and it has increasingly penetrated into the legal profession. Research conducted by McKinsey Global Institute says the future that works is based on “automation, employment, and productivity”. Law firms that will use tools to increase their productivity through automation will be the ones that will dominate the market. This has become a statement that no one doubts about anymore.

AppearMe offers you an automated process of hiring appearance attorneys. You can now hire appearance attorney with a push of a button. It takes 2-3 minutes to upload your appearance and another 60 seconds for another attorney to commit to your appearance. Using AppearMe will maximize resources of your law firm tenfold as your attorneys will have more time to do more mandatory tasks.

Law firms relied on outdated methods of finding an appearance attorney in the past. It took them hours and even days to find coverage for their appearances. Usually, a legal staffing and recruiting service would match an attorney of record with an appearance attorney. The procedures were slow and inefficient. Now the whole process is automatic.


AppearMe – A New Resource for Law Firms


How can the law firms benefit from the automated hiring of appearance attorneys?

First, your attorneys will have more time to do tasks that will bring more money to your firm. Just consider the time and resources spent on simple tasks like handing in a missing document or rescheduling the hearing. Hiring an appearance attorney for tasks like that will boost the productivity of your law firm tenfold. It will help your busy attorneys with their tight schedule to manage tasks that would otherwise be postponed or delayed.

Second, you law firm manager won’t use his or her time and resources at matching your attorneys of record with appearance attorney through recruiting services. Just a waste of time! Your staff has more important issues to do! Your law firm manager needs to advise the attorneys to sign up to AppearMe and never come to this issue again. The attorneys will handle the process of hiring an appearance attorney themselves.

Third, your law firm will increase its client base on a number of times. Without the need to hire new lawyers, your firm can take up new jobs using the existing resources. When your attorneys don’t travel from court to court for simple tasks that can be taken by other attorneys, they will have more time to take up new assignments.

Finally, your attorney can be less stressed and more efficient at what they do.

Advice your attorney to sign up to AppearMe! Your firm deserves its leading place in this digitalized age!

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