All that you need in practice management software

Space for Law Firm
Create your law firm account and add all your associates and paralegals to have full access to everything that’s important. Never miss a beat by keeping everyone connected and updated.
Matter Management
All your case info in one place. From court hearings and depositions to court deadlines, tasks and related events, in one place.
Workflow Automation
Create common work and automate calendaring of procedural rules, deadlines and internal tasks. Do the work that used to take hours in a few minutes.
Litigation Calendar
Combine all deadlines, tasks and events with relevant deadlines into one convenient and flexible calendar. See your personal tasks or keep an eye on the law firm calendar.
Contacts & Clients
Easily manage all relevant contact from one place. Never search for a client’s phone number and never always know where to serve discovery to the opposing counsel.
Court & Other Documents
All your case related documents are uploaded and attached to each case, either by you or an Appearance Attorneys handling your hearing