Request an Appearance in Trenton

Lawyers are busy professionals. Piles of documents, interrogations, research, and drafting are regular tasks for any lawyer. If you have an appearance on top of that, things get really tough. Let’s be honest. Even if you work 12 hours a day, you cannot manage everything. You need to outsource. And here is when AppearMe can help! You can request an appearance in Trenton, New Jersey and 12 other states spending a couple of minutes on request making and committal. Believe it or not, this app has become a real savior for attorneys when things get out of control.


Facts to Know

Once you learn about the simple procedures the AppearMe app uses, you will not look for local attorneys anywhere else. Consider these facts that make AppearMe a valuable tool for all attorneys and other legal professionals.

  • Free signup
  • 2-3 Minutes request making
  • An average of 60 seconds of commital
  • Pay as you go
  • Paid immediately after the appearance is closed.
  • Hundreds of court reporting, interpreting tasks, appearance, deposition, and other freelance assignments
  • Same profile to request/accept tasks.


How Do I Request an Appearance in Trenton?

To request an appearance or any other freelance task, you need to become a user. Simply download the app from App Store or Google Play or head to to open an account. Fill in the required information and click “submit”. Now, wait a couple of hours until we review your profile information. You need to be an attorney with an active license eligible to practice law according to state bar rules. And yes! You should not have any disciplinary actions against you. If you meet these requirements, your account will be approved and you can post/accept job offers spending literally minutes.


Anything Else To Know?

Perhaps the biggest news for you is that you will become a member of a huge legal network. Here are some of the tasks in addition to appearance attorney services, depositions, court reporting and interpreting jobs that you can post/accept.


  • Research Memo
  • Answers to a Complaint
  • Answer to a Lawsuit
  • Drafting a Complaint
  • Writing a Complaint
  • Drafting a Lawsuit
  • Drafting a Demand Letter OR Demand Letters
  • Drafting a Wills and Trusts Package
  • Responding to a Discovery Set
  • Case Summaries
  • Drafting Deposition Questions
  • Drafting Deposition Sets.


Questions? Contact Us!

We work round the clock and will happily answer all your questions. Call us at (888) 900-3080 or send an email to You will get a quick response to all your inquiries. 

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