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Find a Deposition Attorney Near You within 60 Seconds

Depositions are an important part of many cases, an essential discovery process that allows both parties to collect information through the testimony of witnesses. However, […]


AppearMe: The Fastest and Easiest Way to Manage Your Depositions

Conducting and collecting depositions are an essential yet time-consuming part of any trial. Deposition attorneys in the AppearMe network know that preparation and professional demeanor […]


Find Appearance Attorneys in Atlanta within 60 Seconds

AppearMe, a UC Berkeley Skydeck company, is a real-time and on-demand mobile and web application that connects legal professionals and provides a platform that enables […]


Hire Certified and Qualified Court Interpreters with AppearMe

Looking for a certified and qualified court interpreter to produce a linguistically correct and legally appropriate interpretation? AppearMe, a revolutionary legal tech startup, offers solo […]


Find Court Reporters in Real-Time Within Seconds

Court reporters – often referred to as stenographers or short-hand reporters – are the professionals called upon to ensure that all spoken words and gestures […]


40 Social Media Accounts Lawyers Should Follow

Law firms are often skeptical if being on social media would benefit them and if it’s worth their time. Well, to grow your law firm […]


5 Must Read Books for Attorneys

Love reading books but don’t have the time? Stop making excuses! As a law student or an attorney, you can’t afford not to read. Thus, […]


Attorneys on Call? Never Been Easier!

It’s not a secret that lawyers need assistance in hectic times. If you need attorneys on call, we are here to help. AppearMe is a […]


Skip Everything and Get This App to Find an Appearance Attorney in 60 Seconds

Have you ever heard of AppearMe? It’s a terrific mobile and web app that helps thousands of legal professionals find an appearance attorney, deposition attorney, […]


How Much Money Can You Earn on Court Appearances with AppearMe?

AppearMe has been in the market for several years. Since its launch, thousands of attorneys have registered to this app. Not only is it convenient […]

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