Earn Competitive Appearance Attorney Fee with AppearMe

The answer to the question “how much does a lawyer earn” is ridiculously varied. The answer is from $50 to $1000 or more per hour. But to stay competitive, lawyers typically charge an average rate. They can charge per hour or flat rate. At AppearMe, we offer a competitive appearance attorney fee with plenty of job opportunities which makes the offer so attractive that few lawyers turn down.


Competitive Appearance Attorney Fee, Multiple Job Offers

At AppearMe lawyers earn as high as $350 and as low as $75. Even our lowest price is still competitive in the market. A lot of court appearance agencies pay something like $70 so we are aggressively competing in the market regarding lawyer rates. But this is not all. The attractiveness of AppearMe is in its smart solution. AppearMe is an automated application where thousands of legal professionals meet, and they post and receive dozens of job offers in a day. You can work as an appearance attorney, a deposition attorney and get entire case referrals. Our case referral service is one of the most attractive in the market. We charge no processing fee so a lot of attorneys are eagerly referring cases through the application.


A Modern Solution with an Automated Application

Thousands of lawyers have become members of an attorney pool where they post dozens of offers in a day. Legal practitioners instantly receive notifications on their emails and mobiles when someone posts an offer. The trick is to act fast because the first legal practitioner who accepts the request will cover assignment. This feature makes AppearMe the fastest appearance attorney tool in the market. When someone posts an offer, one of the lawyers takes it literally in a minute. Just about in 60 seconds, an attorney commits to the appearance.


What to Expect?

First, expect to receive multiple job offers in a day. You can commit to two or even three assignments in a day and make a decent income.

Second, expect to receive the payment immediately after you close the assignment. The automated application transfers the money to your bank account once you hit the “close and submit” button. It will be in your account as soon as the processing bank finishes the transaction.

Third, expect to work when needed or desired. AppearMe places no commitments to its users. They work when they have free time or when they need extra money.

Finally, expect to be your boss. Your responsibility is to cover the appearance and submit a short report about the assignment. Once you submit the report, your job is done, and you will get the bucks in your bank account.


Sign up to AppearMe! It’s Free!

Few lawyers will be willing to turn down an offer that places no commitments to them. You can earn bucks when you are walking pass by the courthouse when you are sitting in a local coffee shop or when you are waiting for your turn in a courthouse.

At this moment we encourage you to sign up. Our staff is readily available to assist you in any matter connected with AppearMe. Call us at (888) 900-3080 or send an email to support@appearme.com or read our FAQs page.

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