Appearance Attorney Jobs in Los Angeles

We often hear attorneys say, “I am a lawyer, not a magician…” However, the attorney often feels like magicians given their hectic and tight schedule. The good news is that appearance attorneys are there to assist attorneys of record in their court and hearing related duties. Are you a lawyer who is in dire need of an appearance attorney? AppearMe is here to help you find a Los Angeles appearance lawyer in real time.


Find appearance attorney jobs in Los Angeles with AppearMe

AppearMe is a mobile and web platform that provides thousands of job opportunities for appearance attorneys in Los Angeles and throughout California. There are thousands of highly qualified attorneys on demand already registered in the system.

The procedure is simple. After signing up and being verified, all registered lawyers receive a notification as soon as a new appearance is submitted. If you decide to accept the offer to appear, you can do so by a simple touch of the screen. You can view the appearance info and attached files and documents even before you accept the offer.

Now all you have to do is to appear for the assigned hearing. The system also gives you the courthouse’s contact details and address for your convenience.

Once you complete the appearance and submit a brief report, the easy-to-use and secure system allows you to get paid automatically.

Simple as that. Sign up, get notified, accept the job, submit a report and get paid. No need to wait days and months until agencies will call you for appearance. You will increase your income tenfold by using this easy-to-use app.


Find a qualified attorney on demand in Los Angeles with AppearMe

If you have a court appearance in Los Angeles that you cannot cover, simply use AppearMe to create your appearance and find a qualified appearance lawyer.

You can get hold of hundreds of attorneys for your court hearing on the Web, App Store, and Google Play. These simple software solutions will save your time and money.


A platform to help both attorneys on demand and attorneys of record

Using the AppearMe app is beneficial both for attorneys on demand and for attorneys of record. On one hand, appearance lawyers can easily have access to hundreds of jobs. AppearMe can be a source of steady income for them. On the other hand, attorneys of record will not have to struggle through hard times and can find an appearance attorney a day, hours or even 10 minutes before the hearing!

Sign up your profile and preferences just the way you like. Build you legal practice with AppearMe!


1 Comment

  • Thank you for the wonderful post


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