Legal newspapers/magazines are not read for entertainment or general news. Normally lawyers read legal periodicals because they want to keep in touch with information on legal and business affairs in the local area. You may rarely find sensational information in legal newspapers although these may happen. Normally they deal with practical legal matters. Appearance attorneys have to be in line with the legal developments too. They also read newspapers for professional reasons. Here are some of the newspapers/magazines read by appearance attorneys.
New York Law Journal: New York Law Journal is a periodical covering legal profession in the state of New York. You may find daily coverage of civil and criminal cases as well as news on any law related matter, like large and small firms, law schools and more. Here you can find analytical articles written by leading professionals.
The National Law Journal: The National Law Journal covers legal information of national significance to attorneys. You can find here coverage of legislative issues and legal news as well as court decisions, verdicts and more. Once in every few years, the journal releases the list of the “100 Most Influential Lawyers in America”.
Law Technology Today: Law Technology today is a technological blog from the ABA Legal Technology Resource Center. Lawyers love this journal because of up-to-date content on practical and innovative developments in the legal technology. A must read the paper for all lawyers.
Law Practice Magazine: Again, a must-read periodical for appearance attorneys. Here they can find reports on the latest developments that come out in the legal market to assist attorneys in managing their law practices more effectively.
IP Law and Business: This periodical is for the lawyers who are particularly interested in intellectual property issues. The publication updates attorneys on the law and business in intellectual property.
Plaintiff Magazine: This magazine is specifically released for California plaintiffs’ attorneys. Here you can find useful information on any aspect of trial practice.
Advocate Magazine: You can find practical articles written by trial advocates. Advocate Magazine is mailed to 3000 members of Consumer Attorneys Association of Los Angeles and Orange County as well as 7000 attorneys representing plaintiffs in Southern California.
Our final reference would to the blog of AppearMe. As an appearance attorney, this is a must-read page because it provides information about court appearance jobs and best practices. Subscribe to AppearMe newsletter to keep in touch with the latest developments in the court appearance market.