AppearMe Connects Attorneys of Record and Appearance Attorneys

Yes, literally seconds! It takes 2 minutes to sign up, 2 minutes to submit a request and less than 1 minute to find the attorney you need. Attorneys of record can now find appearance attorneys in New York, California, Texas, Arizona, Nevada, Florida, Illinois, New Jersey, Oregon and Washington through a 100% automated app. Here is how it works.


Attorneys of Record Post an Appearance Offer or a Deposition Offer

You first sign up. To be able to post and accept appearance/deposition requests through the app, you need to sign up through two simple steps. Signing up will take you less than 2 minutes. You need to fill in a couple of fields and register for free.

Once you do that, it will take a couple of hours for AppearMe to verify your account. We do that in accordance with the attorney’s state bar association. If you qualify, your account will be confirmed, and you can post unlimited appearance/deposition requests.

Creating an appearance is not complicated. You will be guided through 2-3 simple steps filling in a couple of fields on the case, appearance type, etc. Once you submit your request, you are almost done. Thousands of appearance attorneys will receive push notifications and emails with the info on the offer.


Appearance Attorneys Submit a Brief Report

Once the appearance attorney covers the hearing, they will submit a brief report on the assignment. Submitting the report is done through the app as well. The appearance attorney uploads the file and sends it to the attorney of record with all the requested information. The job of an appearance attorney is considered completed only when he/she submits the brief report. Once it’s done, the job is completed and can proceed to the payment phase.


Automatic Invoicing and Payment

Both the invoicing and the payment are done through the app. When you click on Close and Submit button, you get paid instantly. The amount will be in your account after the processing bank finishes the transaction.

Attorneys working with AppearMe love the instant payment system of AppearMe because they don’t have to wait days and even weeks for the transaction to complete. They get the money once they finish the job.


24/7 Customer Support

If you have any questions about how AppearMe works, our 24/7 Customer support heroes will be happy to assist you in any question.

Write us at or call us at (818) 744-3505.



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