When you hire an interpreter, you want to make sure that the person will do a perfect job. That is the reason that attorneys often look for certified interpreters. What it means is that the interpreter has passed rigorous testing to obtain the “certified” qualification. If you are looking for one and spend too much time locating the right professional, you must be doing something wrong. We have good news for you. Spend less than a couple of minutes on finding certified interpreters in around 40 and more languages! Read about AppearMe, a special application that has become a favorite tool for thousands of attorneys across 10 states. Keep scrolling to find out how on earth you can spend less than 2-3 minutes and get a certified interpreter!
Certified Interpreters: Speed is Key with AppearMe
When it comes to hiring certified interpreters, AppearMe stands out from all hiring options. Attorneys submit requests on the application and the interpreters get back in less than a minute. Yes, time is an issue when hiring an interpreter. There may be too little time to look for a certified interpreter, the company who sent the interpreter may be unreliable. There was even a case when a company sent an interpreter for the wrong language and the trial was delayed!
Forget about such annoying incidences! With AppearMe, you get in touch directly with the interpreter. You can submit a request a day, an hour and even 10 minutes before the scheduled event! Quite an exceptional tool for emergencies!
How it Works
Hey! It’s super easy. Just open an account and see things coming! When you become a user after being approved (if you are an attorney), you can submit unlimited job offers. Fill in a couple of required fields and click “Submit.” Once you do that, the interpreters registered with AppearMe will get push notifications and emails. They will respond in less than a minute to get the job (those who claim first take the assignment).
Certified Interpreters in 40 and More Languages
With AppearMe you can find interpreters covering more than 40 languages in 10 states. The languages registered with AppearMe: Spanish, Armenian, Russian, Haitian Creole, Navajo, Sign language, Arabic, Korean, Vietnamese, Portuguese, Cantonese, Foochow, etc.
If you are an attorney or an interpreter in any of these states, look ahead for new projects to come: California, New York, Texas, Nevada, Illinois, New Jersey, Florida, Washington, Oregon, and Arizona!
Find out More
Download from the App Store or get it on Google Play or just get started on the web. It’s super easy both for the interpreters and attorneys!
If you have questions, please don’t hesitate to call (888) 900-3080 to speak to a support representative or send your question to [email protected].