In search of a court reporter? You are at the right place! We will help you find one in real time. You will soon be a member of an attorney portal with thousands of loyal users. And not only court reporting! You can find a professional appearance attorney. You can refer a case and earn a referral fee. Just in one 100% automated application!
We Have a Court Reporter For You
If you have not heard about the AppearMe automatic application so far, you have missed a great deal in your legal career. AppearMe connects a pool of attorneys in one big portal where legal professionals exchange job offers. Everything takes place in real time. Attorneys don’t spend more than 2 minutes on locating an appearance attorney or a court reporter. Legal professionals submit offers while driving a car or drinking their cup of cappuccino at their office desk.
Hundreds of court reporters are registered users in the states of Nevada, California, New York, Texas, and New Jersey. When you post an announcement of a court reporting job, these professionals get emails and instant notifications on their mobile phones. They respond immediately being aware of the peculiarity of the application. The reason they act fast is that the first professional who commits to your offer covers the assignment. Therefore, someone will accept your offer in literally minutes.
Forget about the search of court reporters by making dozens of phone calls. Now you can find one in real time without any hassle.
Court Reporters Registered With AppearMe are Certified
One of the preconditions to become a user of AppearMe as a court reporter is to provide information about the license number and type. AppearMe staff checks that information making sure that only court reporters with proper certification get into the system. We do that to ensure the quality of service of AppearMe as well as client satisfaction with the professionals’ work.
If you are in search of court reporters, it makes sense to sign up to AppearMe for free. And remember! By becoming a user of AppearMe you are solving not only the problem of court reporting but also court appearances and case referrals.
For information about court appearances click here. For information about case referrals click here.