The Role of Appearance Attorneys in Modern Law Firms

Do you feel like you can’t make to the courthouse on time due to sudden illness or family emergencies? Or simply have more important tasks to focus on? For lawyers with busy schedules, attending every court appearance can be a challenging task. It’s also the reason why the market for appearance attorneys is booming.

Making use of appearance lawyers can be particularly beneficial when an in-house attorney can’t find the time to make a routine court appearance. So instead of going to the courthouse to file papers or to make a brief appearance before a judge, law firms usually rely on an appearance attorney for back up. Handing off less complex legal tasks to an appearance attorney frees up in-house staff.

Another compelling reason to hire a court appearance attorney is their legal expertise and experience. Court appearance attorneys are available for a broad range of legal matters, from civil and criminal cases to issues involving bankruptcy hearings and arbitration. They can also perform a variety of tasks. They will often appear in court to complete procedural hearings, file legal documents, or provide a judge with updates on the status of a case.

On top of that, your law firm can get qualified assistance for an affordable price. Using an appearance attorney from time to time is often more cost-efficient than committing to a full-time resource as you only pay for their services when needed.

Also, it can be tough to turn down a case simply because travelling to a far-off jurisdiction won’t make sense. Hiring an appearance lawyer in the desired location with the right experience makes many of these opportunities more feasible for law firms. Simply put, you no longer have to waste a day at a courthouse for a 5-minute hearing by running between courts miles apart.


Hire Appearance Attorneys Confidently and Save Time with AppearMe

AppearMe is an on-demand and real-time web and mobile application that automates and simplifies the entire process of scheduling an on-call lawyer.

The app makes the search for appearance attorneys a breeze. All you need is to create an account, and submit a request! Our system will automatically notify all eligible court appearance attorneys in your specified area. Shortly after you submit a request, one of the on-call lawyers will accept your request in seconds.

Let’s take a look at some of the benefits you’ll get from hiring an on-call attorney using AppearMe!

  • Signing up is free of charge
  • The average time to connect with an appearance lawyer is 60 seconds
  • AppearMe provides court appearance professionals throughout the country
  • The app makes it possible to find a court appearance attorney with little notice
  •   Court appearance lawyers provide coverage in a wide variety of specialized fields, including civil and criminal law, bankruptcy, family law, immigration, and many more
  • AppearMe checks all attorneys’ standing, background, and discipline history
  • Use the app to securely chat and share files with your appearance attorney
  • Submit and accept requests — all from a single account

You can sign up for an account on the AppearMe website or through our mobile app (App Store or Google Play).

Contact us anytime for assistance or with questions at (888) 900-3080 or via email at [email protected].