CRM for Lawyers

Manage Your Team, Clients, & All Law Firm Matters with a Free CRM for Law Firms

Looking for ways to improve the efficiency, productivity, and profitability of your law firm? Meet our FREE legal CRM. The need for a CRM solution […]


5 Reasons Why You Should Start Hiring Freelance Lawyers with AppearMe

Looking for a freelance lawyer to outsource non-billable work? Sign up for AppearMe, access the largest network of freelancers, and get immediate responses. What Is […]


The Virtual Law Firm, the Future of Legal Practice

In recent years, more and more law firms are going virtual. But why are virtual law firms on the rise now?  Well, first off, the […]


AppearMe Gives Lawyers Access to a Nationwide Network of Deposition Attorneys

AppearMe is a real-time and on-demand web and mobile application that provides a network of deposition attorneys for other lawyers in need of their services.  […]


Hire an Appearance Attorney in Under a Minute

Finding a special appearance attorney (especially at the last minute) is no easy task. You have to ask for recommendations or contact agencies. Worst part? […]


5 Ways Law Firms Can Benefit from AppearMe’s Free Legal CRM

AppearMe is an on-demand and real-time web and mobile application that offers the largest and fastest-growing nationwide network of over 10,000 appearance, deposition, and freelance […]

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