
Holiday Gift Guide for Lawyers 2020

It’s the holiday season, and we already feel its magic spirit! With the holidays comes the joy of giving and receiving gifts. Since at this […]


The Art of Conquering. Practice Tips for New/Young Lawyers

When you are a young/new attorney often times the opposing side tests your limits. They test your intellect, your resolve and your demeanor. So how […]


Productive and Profitable: Experience the Best with AppearMe

AppearMe aims to make legal professionals’ work not only more productive but also profitable. To reach that goal, we provide a platform and features that […]


Your Step-by-Step Guide to Hiring a Freelance Lawyer in Richmond

So you’ve decided to hire a freelance lawyer with AppearMe, but have no clue how to get started? Don’t worry, I’m here to help! Follow […]


Are You a Lawyer in Naples – Use Our App to Refer a case!

If you are a lawyer in Naples, most probably you have looked for attorney referral services in your area. We have good news for you. […]


Looking For Freelance Attorney Jobs? AppearMe is All You Need

Tired of looking for freelance legal work on job boards? Oh c’mon, there’s no need to look anywhere else. With tons of jobs posted every […]


AppearMe: Your Jacksonville Coverage Counsel

What if you could find a qualified appearance attorney in less than a minute to appear on your behalf? The good news is, there is […]


Time is Money: Experience the Best with AppearMe

Every attorney is in a daily struggle of overcoming professionally his busy schedule full of meetings, court sessions, administrative meetings, and so on. In order […]


Where to Find an Attorney to Refer a Case?

Are you involved in several cases all at once? Are you in court all next week and don’t have time to accept another case? No […]


How to Enjoy Your Vacation without it Affecting You Thriving Law Practice

I am a lawyer. I have my own law firm and I’m always busy. I used to think I can’t get away for a vacation. […]

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