The Only Way to Find an Appearance Attorney When You Have 30 Minutes Before Your Hearing
You’ve packed your bags, set the alarm, jumped out of bed, searched for your passport, headed to the airport and waited for boarding to start, […]
A Proven Method to Find an Attorney on Call When You Are in a Hurry
You know those days, right? The ones when you get unexpected calls from clients and run off to a last-minute meeting or unexpected appointment! And […]
Skip Everything and Get This App to Find an Appearance Attorney in 60 Seconds
Have you ever heard of AppearMe? It’s a terrific mobile and web app that helps thousands of legal professionals find an appearance attorney, deposition attorney, […]
Freelancing As a Court Reporter With AppearMe
How to make a stable income and enjoy life benefits at the same time? Do you think it’s unreal? It is real with AppearMe! Freelancing […]
I Want a Per Diem Attorney in New York
We’ve all been there. It’s a beautiful day, and you can’t focus on anything! Even a nice cup of coffee doesn’t work for you! Despite […]
Is a Job of a Local Court Reporter Right For You?
Do you remember the good old days when you were still at school and didn’t have to think about your future plans? Time really does […]
Discover a New App to Refer Cases and Track Your Referral Fees
Not every lawyer can handle all cases on their desk, so referrals are an important part of the legal business. Lawyers refer cases because they […]
Finding a Court Reporter in New York is Easier than Ever Before
Where can I find a court reporter? How do I know if the court reporter is reliable? How much will it cost? When will I […]
I Want to Refer a Case to Another Attorney – AppearMe Can Help!
You may face the issue “where to find an attorney” when you want to refer a case. You are on the right page! Now you […]