What to Expect from an On Call Lawyer!
Do you usually plan your day and try to stick to it? You are not alone! Almost all lawyers do! The question is how often […]
New Jersey Per Diem Attorney Services
New Jersey is the most densely populated state in the USA. With a population of 9.006 million, the number of lawyers per 10,000 residents is […]
Hire a New Jersey Per Diem Attorney
Have you ever asked a lawyer “How are you doing?” If yes, the answer was most likely “I’m so busy”, “I’m running out of time” […]
AppearMe Lets You Find Per Diem Attorneys in New York in Less Than a Minute
Attorneys of record do not need to appear to some hearings, conferences or depositions. Sometimes lawyers have busy schedules, conflicting situations or heavy caseload and […]
3 Ways to Prepare for Your Deposition
Depositions are not like having a friendly conversation around a breakfast table! They’re fact-finding missions similar to testifying in court. So it’s essentially important to […]
It’s a Great Time to Be an Appearance Attorney
Whether you want to create your own work schedule, bring in more money or just make the best possible use of your time (or all […]
California Attorneys Can Refer Cases with AppearMe
California attorneys can now refer cases with AppearMe, a mobile and web application that has thousands of lawyers registered in the system. AppearMe is a […]
New York Per Diem Services
AppearMe can help you find New York per diem services fast, secure and at affordable rates. We know what it means to lose a day […]
Freelance Court Reporter Jobs with AppearMe
Are you tired of long working hours? Do you want to start a career as a freelance court reporter and still make as much as […]
Find a Court Reporter with AppearMe in Less Than a Minute!
It’s true that many picture a court reporter sitting quietly in the courtroom and typing on a stenotype machine. In spite of their silent role, […]