Court reporters play a critical role in the justice system. They attend depositions, hearings, proceedings and other legal events where a written transcript is required. A court reporter in New York enjoys one of the highest salaries in the country. The average court reporter salary in New York is $96,997, which is 49% above the national average. These professionals receive pay per hour or per page, depends on agreement.
Given the attractive financial rewards of the profession and the relatively shorter time requirement of education, many people express interest in this profession. The question is how to find a source that will be both stable and reliable and in this article, you will know exactly about that.
AppearMe – a Source of Income for a Court Reporter in New York
AppearMe is a web and mobile app that has revolutionized the way legal professionals are hired. In addition to case referrals and per diem attorney jobs, the legal practitioners registered in the portal also post job offers for court reporters. Since thousands of attorneys are members of the portal, the one time job openings happen every day, and there is a high chance to make the portal a source of steady income if you become a user.
How to Become a User of AppearMe?
If you are a court reporter and you want to find freelance opportunities, you need to sign up to the portal. Signing up is easy and will take a couple of minutes of your time. We require simple information like your name, email, password. You need to specify “Court reporter” under user type. We also need info on your license number and type.
Once you submit this information, we will verify your profile and approve it if the information is correct. This will take a couple of hours, and after that, you will start receiving job offers on your email and mobile phone.
To take up the assignment, you need to react immediately as the first professional who will accept the offer will be the assignee. Watch your mobile phone and email for job openings and respond immediately. You will get the job if you are the first one who accepts the offer.
Contact AppearMe
If you have questions on how to get jobs with AppearMe, contact us as soon as possible. Dial (818) 744-3505 or contact otherwise and our team will eagerly answer all your questions. Our 24/7 Customer Support heroes are here to assist you in any matter concerning the registration or any other inquiries about AppearMe.