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Case Referral Network for Lawyers – Access 12,000 Attorneys Nationwide for FREE

Most attorneys will say there are never enough hours in the day. Luckily, you can handle more cases, focus on billable work, and increase your […]


AppearMe is the First Ever Peer-to-Peer Attorney Referral Service

If you are an attorney overloaded with cases, there is a high chance that you may need to refer a case to another attorney. Case […]


Where to Find an Attorney to Refer a Case?

Are you involved in several cases all at once? Are you in court all next week and don’t have time to accept another case? No […]


Looking for a Case Referral Service? Sign up to the Online Portal!

It is common practice for attorneys to refer cases to each other. They do that because they don’t have expertise in all fields of practice. […]


Tips for Taking an Out-of-State Deposition

If you find a witness that resides in another state, you may be wondering how you are going to take a deposition from that witness […]


Earn Competitive Appearance Attorney Fee with AppearMe

The answer to the question “how much does a lawyer earn” is ridiculously varied. The answer is from $50 to $1000 or more per hour. […]

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