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AppearMe is the First Ever Peer-to-Peer Attorney Referral Service

If you are an attorney overloaded with cases, there is a high chance that you may need to refer a case to another attorney. Case […]


Chicago Attorneys Refer Cases with AppearMe

How do Chicago attorneys usually refer cases? Most likely they search “case referral service in Chicago” on Google. Well. Not always. There’s another option that’s […]


Don’t Look Anywhere Else If You Are in Search of a Lawyer Referral Service in Illinois

In some cases, it is advantageous or even necessary to refer a case to another attorney. This happens when there is a conflict of interest, […]


Appearance Attorneys Victorville Make More Money in Less Time

One million dollars in 10 years is so different from one million dollars in 1 year. Yeah, right I should strip on a webcam for […]


AppearMe – Easy and Fast Solution to Court Reporting

When you are a busy lawyer, finding a court reporter should not consume much of your time. It must be frustrating to leave all the […]


Why Would a Lawyer Refer a Case to Another Law Firm?

It’s not a secret that lawyers get into trouble with caseload sometimes. One of the solutions is to refer a case to another law firm […]

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