3-2-1-Go! This Tool Will Make You a Super lawyer!
Deadlines, crowded schedules, changing laws, client demands, traffic jams… If you are a lawyer who recognized himself/herself in the above sentence then congratulations! We are […]
Lawyer’s 5-Hour Work Week
How many hours do lawyers work? And how many hours of these are billable and how many are unbillable hours? Some lawyers do work 40 […]
Court Appearance in Texas, New York, Nevada and California
If you are one of the lawyers that have gone through the annoying process of finding a court appearance attorney through agencies or friend recommendations, […]
Fast and Easy Way to Find a Per Diem Attorney in New York
There are a number of ways to find a per diem attorney in New York, such as certified lawyer referral services or your local bar […]
Top 7 Reasons Lawyers Love Their Job
To be a respectable lawyer is an extraordinary calling but to love what you do is even better. Becoming a lawyer requires a lot of […]
A Guide To Hiring Per Diem Attorneys
The legal market is witnessing a new trend of legal outsourcing. A lot of small and big law firms prefer to hire per diem attorneys […]
LASC Civil eFiling Informational Meeting
The Los Angeles Superior Court will begin implementing electronic filing (efiling) of all documents filed in the Civil Division. We hope that voluntary efiling will […]
Defending a Deposition
Some lawyers say cases are won or lost during the discovery. Depositions are important for the success of the case. The role of the attorney […]
How to Prepare For a Deposition?
A deposition is an out-of-court testimony of a witness. The information gathered during the deposition is used in the discovery process and, in limited circumstances, […]
Making Appearances in State Courts For Routine and Contested Hearings
Appearance attorneys are the ones who can help you in routine and contested hearings. This assistance is invaluable at the times of emergencies or when […]